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Network Chiropractic Wellness Center Services

Align. Heal. Grow.

Here at Network Chiropractic Wellness Center, we provide services that will help you get more aligned with your true self, become more aware of your greatest healing resources to experience radiant health, feel more balanced within your body and cultivate your energy to be more alive!

We’re experts in helping you access authentic healing and assisting you gain valuable tools for your own growth and wellbeing. We utilize gentle chiropractic care and other body-mind awareness techniques as our methods of care are some of the most powerful research-proven, self-care tools available today that will provide you with outstanding results in how you live your life.

A Testament to the Incredible Healing We Offer

Upper Cervical Chiropractic blended with Network Chiropractic = the most amazing healing work I’ve experienced. I feel so lucky to have found this approach. I had been dealing with chronic pain and limited use of my arms for 5 years, and chronic neck pain since early high school (around 12 years). I am in the middle of a care plan and I am feeling AMAZING results. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have a reliable way to heal my body. After learning about so many ways to heal over the years and finding none that were doing the job for me, I can say that what Dr. Bjorn does is the missing piece to everything. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me as I gain energy, confidence, and abilities I didn’t even know were locked away in me.” Chani J.

The Benefits of Our Care

Our care helps you adapt to life’s stress with more ease, gives your body-mind the opportunity to digest past traumas and stresses, and helps you develop a more self-observing, self-correcting spine and nervous system to serve you best in your present life.

Our patients experience

  • A deeper trust for the healing potential of their body
  • An improved relationship to their own self-healing and health concerns
  • Better connection to their purpose
  • Empowerment to take more action in life
  • Enhanced breath capacity and connection
  • Greater connection and peace within their bodies
  • Higher energy for productivity in workplace, home, and leisure.
  • Improved adaptation to stress
  • Improvement in their posture
  • Increased communication in their relationships
  • More awareness of where they’re holding tension in their bodies and how to release it
  • More intimate connection with themselves
  • More trust and less anxiety about life’s circumstances
  • Reduction and elimination in pain and symptoms

Learn More Today

Contact Network Chiropractic Wellness Center now to discuss how we may be able to help you!


Network Chiropractic Wellness Center Services | (831) 459-8434