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About Network Chiropractic Wellness Center

Dr. Bjorn Bostrom is the Clinic Director and owner of Network Chiropractic Wellness Center. It’s one of the longest-standing thriving family wellness centers in Santa Cruz, open since 1992. Now serving Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, and Silicon Valley, NCWC’s services are now sought after near and far by those seeking results for their health care. The solutions provided aren’t only about pain management, but seek to give a lasting change in how people live their lives with a healthy spine.

Falling in Love with Santa Cruz

The first time Dr. Bjorn came to Santa Cruz, it was to work as a high school counselor at a camp called Mount Hermon, nestled in the foothills amongst the redwoods. Instantly, he fell in love with the nature and surfing community. During his years at Life Chiropractic College West, he would spend time in Santa Cruz to get away, surf, enjoy sun and see family members that live there. When it was time to set up practice, Dr. Bjorn took a leap of faith and moved to the community.

The Network Chiropractic Wellness Center Mission

Dr. Bjorn seeks to have a thriving family wellness-oriented practice focused on evolution and personal growth. As your neurospinal integrity evolves and your nervous system becomes more coherent and organized, you as an individual can be more effective and performance-oriented in any aspect of your life.

Many of the practice members who go to Network Chiropractic Wellness Center want to excel and get more connected to their purpose. Some need to work through childhood trauma, abuse or addiction. Dr. Bjorn will assist you in doing the deep work on yourself that will bring about incredible breakthroughs.

Why NetworkSpinal® care?

When Dr. Bjorn was in chiropractic school, he experienced a life-changing moment when he witnessed a demonstration of the technique NetworkSpinal® care. Noticing it was more of an awareness-based experience, it different from other methods where the chiropractor would work on the patient with no shared consciousness or exchange. This technique involves having a relationship with your body, movement and breath.

The creator of this technique, Dr. Donald Epstein, is a mentor to Dr. Bjorn. Dr. Bjorn has completed extensive training in Network, spending his weekends learning from Dr. Epstein. This gentle, blissful way of receiving care will release blocked energy. You can go from feeling helpless, ashamed or defeated to saying, “I can do anything.”

Lifestyle Coaching and Retreats

Dr. Bjorn is passionate about his own personal growth and assisting others in theirs. Life coaching is one of the services he offers if you’d like someone to guide you and support you. Various events such as men’s wilderness retreats are also held at regular intervals.

Begin Your Transformation

You have no idea how powerful you are. If you’re in pain, you likely also feel depressed and aren’t sure what to do. We can ignite change and fuel growth by addressing your nervous system health. Stop doubting yourself. Get the attention you need at Network Chiropractic Wellness Center. Call now!


About Network Chiropractic Wellness Center | (831) 459-8434